Unite delivers unprecedented slap-down to GenSec candidate #Coyne

This blog has long advocated that every Unite member should give his or her wholehearted support to incumbent Len McCluskey in the Unite leadership contest. McCluskey’s steadfast backing of Jeremy Corbyn and Coyne’s right-wing policies, closeness to Labour’s right-wing agitators and the hypocrisy and lack of vision of his ‘Unite should stay out of politics’ nonsense make it a no-brainer, in this writer’s opinion.

In spite of Coyne’s low and lacklustre campaign, however, today’s statement by the union is still astonishing in its slap-down of the Midlands-based challenger, who is close to Labour deputy leader Tom Watson:

While the statement does not name Coyne specifically, the sections regarding loans or gifts to Len McCluskey and donations to Corbyn’s leadership campaign and Momentum make it unmistakably clear to whom they are referring, as Coyne’s campaign – perhaps in desperation after the huge majority of Unite branches endorsed McCluskey – has focused heavily on exactly those allegations:

Coyne – backed by right-wing saboteurs Progress and Labour First – knows he has no vision and his campaign shows he has no class or integrity, so he clearly feels he has no choice but to ‘go low’.

But Unite’s national executive has shown just how low – by bringing down a boot onto him and his campaign in a way that has never, to this writer’s knowledge, had to be done before.

It’s clearer than ever that there’s only one choice, for the sake of the union and the country: vote Len.

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