McNicol to be Burns Night guest of ‘honour’ at Cumbria CLP ‘do’

The shocking news reaches the SKWAWKBOX that the Labour party’s General Secretary, Iain McNicol is to be ‘guest of honour’ at the Burns Night celebration of the Workington constituency party later this month.

That any CLP (constituency Labour party) could wish to honour a General Secretary responsible for the disfranchisement of tens of thousands of members via suspension and expulsion and the ludicrous defamation of Wallasey and other CLPs frankly boggles the mind, especially when growing numbers of CLPs have overwhelmingly expressed no-confidence in him.

One can only hope that local members angry at the grotesque decision and Mr McNicol’s record will use the opportunity to ask him why he hasn’t resigned yet so the party can get on with being a genuine alternative to the right-wing social and economic disaster that continues to unfold under the Tories.

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