Shafted by LABOUR council – it’s vital to support Durham Teaching Assistants

Today (Thurs 24/11) is the 2nd day of the latest industrial action by Teaching Assistants (TAs) in County Durham. It’s received virtually no coverage in the national media.

Wherever you live, if you care about children, education, or about basic fairness or even have a healthy self-interest, it’s vital that you support a group of dedicated people working hard for children – who are being shafted, shamefully, by a Labour county council.

A Labour council that is prepared to issue a deeply misleading briefing and to attempt to block the local Labour party from even discussing what’s being done.

A full timeline of events to date and a response by the TAs to the deliberate misrepresentation of the facts are attached to the end of this article, but here are just a few of the ‘lowlights’ of the way these hard-working people are being treated:

The TAs have a question for the councillors and for their local Labour members. It’s a simple question and I bet I know what the answer is:

Whether you care about kids and the people who educate them; or just care about basic fairness; or even just care about yourself, you need to give Durham’s TAs your full support.

If a council can get away with this in Durham, it’s only a matter of time before your local council or other employer tries the same – affecting you or those you care about.

If you live in County Durham, make sure you show your support when you see striking TAs – and write to your councillor to tell them that any continuation of this scandalous treatment of good working people will result in their losing your vote. The threat of losing their power, influence and funds might just make these people see sense.

And wherever you live, be aware and be supportive. Durham’s TAs are not only fighting for themselves. They’re fighting for you and your kids, grandkids, neices, nephews.

And we all need them to win.


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