If we lose the NHS, this is our future

There’s so much negativity in the press, on TV and in government statements at the moment. Every imperfection of the NHS is magnified and held up for public ‘horror’ – a clear strategy to try to undermine public affection for our National Health Service.

So it seems like a good time to re-publish this post, which shows what a real ‘horror story’ looks like, to remind us that the NHS, though imperfect, is a boon and a blessing no matter how hard those who hate it try to denigrate it.

But the real horror is that the process of removing the NHS as a public institution with care provided ‘free at the point of need’, begins tomorrow, 1 April, as the new commissioning processes and enforced inclusion of private providers kick in.

If you’d like to help defend the NHS, there’s a very practical way to do so. Please take a look at

and if you feel like supporting the work, consider giving a small donation and spreading the word to your friends. Thanks!

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