An honest poll to counteract the Tories’ cowardly one

I wrote just earlier about the cowardly, dishonest poll the Tories have published – cowardly because it attempts to force people to vote for the answers the Tories want to see by skewing the phrasing of the question and by limiting the responses that can be selected. They’ve done this because they need particular results to support their ideologically-driven actions and they know that an honest set of questions will not provide the answers they want.

I closed that post by saying that I would post my own poll, and that I’d make it as honest as I could, including answers that would please (or displease) both sides for people to choose from. Unlike the Tories, I don’t fear the results of asking honest questions and getting honest answers.

Here’s my attempt. I’m no pollster nor statistician, so it’s unlikely to be perfect, even if such a thing is possible. But it’s a genuine, honest attempt at fairly-framed questions and fairly-balances responses to choose from:

Take Our Poll Take Our Poll Take Our Poll Take Our Poll Take Our Poll Take Our Poll Take Our Poll Take Our Poll Take Our Poll Take Our Poll

I look forward to your input!

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