
Freedom of Information Act request to Dept of Health

The last post, which I only uploaded an hour or so ago, was burning me for the last couple of days. I thought writing it would help stop it burning, but the more I found out and wrote, the more fired up I felt. So I’ve submitted the following Freedom of Information request to Andrew Lansley’s Health Department:

To: Department of Health 
Subject: Freedom of Information request – Creation of the Health and Social Care Bill/Act

Dear Department of Health,

I require to know, regarding the Health and Social Care Bill (later

1) Names, roles and companies of each person or entity involved in
creating the bill or deciding on its principles, whether employed
by DH, by the Conservative Party, or in a consultative or other

2) When the principles of the bill were first discussed, by whom
and in what context.

3) Copies of all emails, letters and texts relating to the bill
sent to or by David Cameron, Andrew Lansley or any other ministers,
or their assistants – and including any sent from private phones or
email accounts.

4) Details of any funding or contribution provided by
non-governmental entities to the creation of the bill, including
training, hospitality, clerical/organisational support and
non-financial facilitation.

5) The above questions apply also to the Conservatives’ last period
in opposition, i.e. before the 2010 General Election.

Yours faithfully,

Steve Walker

They may well block the request, but if they do that will tell its own story. If they provide the required information, it should prove very revealing…

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