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Video: Belfast’s huge pro-Palestine mural

Irish city stands in solidarity with the people of Gaza

A huge mural showing solidarity with the people of Gaza against occupation and genocide now stands in Belfast. The beautiful artwork, filmed by JT MacLochlainn, consists of a series of panels depicting the suffering and spirit of the Palestinian people, emblazoned with a ribbon containing the poem by Prof Refaat Alareer, the Palestinian poet murdered, along with several family members, by Israel last December:

Alareer’s full, achingly evocative poem reads:

If I must die,

you must live

to tell my story

to sell my things

to buy a piece of cloth

and some strings,

(make it white with a long tail)

so that a child, somewhere in Gaza

while looking heaven in the eye

awaiting his dad who left in a blaze–

and bid no one farewell

not even to his flesh

not even to himself–

sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above

and thinks for a moment an angel is there

bringing back love

If I must die

let it bring hope

let it be a tale

In October last year, as bombs fell on Gaza, Alareer paid tribute to the fans of Celtic who were raising flags and banners in solidarity. The Scottish football club is supported by many Irish Catholics, who well understand occupation and oppression under centuries of English rule and who have shown resolute solidarity with the Palestinians as another occupied people. Celtic fans paid a moving tribute to him after he was murdered in a targeted Israeli attack and have continued to show support for Palestinians, despite attempts by the football club’s administration to discourage them.

Ireland remains a nation divided, with Belfast officially the capital of Northern Ireland and part of the UK, despite limited devolution.

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