Video: police beating leaves elderly Catalan unconscious and fitting

Caution: the video below is extremely disturbing and may be triggering.

The police violence against voters in the unauthorised Catalan independence referendum has horrified many. After a sparse start, the BBC and other mainstream channels have begun to give events in Spain something approaching the coverage they merit.

However, the police attacks on protesters has been described as ‘clashes’ and in other ways designed to imply that there has been violence on both sides. So far there has been little or no evidence indicating any violence toward police – almost incredible in view of the extreme attacks against people who are often simply trying to vote and at worst seem to be staging peaceful protests.

A Youtube user titled ‘The Exposer’ has released compilations showing violence perpetrated by Spanish police against voters. One short video passage from one of these videos encapsulates the horror of the police brutality that the UK ‘MSM’ (mainstream media) appear to be sanitising.

The video shows a group of Catalans standing or sitting in a side street, posing no threat to police officers whatsoever. Police begin trying to drag people from their positions – and then target an apparently quite elderly Catalan man who is sitting on the pavement:

A woman shows incredible, outraged bravery to pursue the police, who disappear briefly behind others but can be made out aiming kicks at the man as the woman reaches him.

The camera then finds the man, bloodied, seemingly unconscious and fitting on the floor as a result of the attack on him – for sitting harmlessly on the floor.

When the BBC starts to show this kind violence in its coverage, this raw truth, then it will be doing something like its job as a supposedly impartial state broadcaster informing the British public.

The full, harrowing, 13-minute video by The Exposer can be viewed on YouTube here.

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