May said KCTMO was no longer managing #Grenfell estate. Really?

In August, Theresa May told Grenfell campaigners and neighbours that KCTMO, the “tenants’ management organisation” with responsibility for the Lancaster West estate on which Grenfell Tower once housed so many people and for other, neighbouring estates, would no longer manage Lancaster West.

More than three weeks later, the following letter appears to have been sent to residents – including residents with an address within the bounds of Lancaster West:

‘KCTMO’ stands for ‘Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation. The recipients of the letter sent to the SKWAWKBOX live at an address on the estate but do not wish to be identified.

KCTMO have been sent the image above and asked to confirm the authenticity of the letter and why it was sent, but the organisation has not yet replied.

According to the BBC, Kensington and Chelsea Council voted this week to remove KCTMO from management responsibilities for all the estates within the authority’s area:

However, if the PM did mislead residents and campaigners about the termination of its responsibilities in Lancaster West, they may wish to obtain proof of its total removal from the area.

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