Is dishonest accounting why #Grenfell official death toll so low?

The SKWAWKBOX and others have long questioned the official death toll being ‘drip-fed’ incrementally to the public, as it contradicts ‘on the ground’ reports of large numbers of bodies in makeshift morgues.

Singer Gemma Fox posted to her Facebook and Twitter accounts an account of information she says she received from two friends who are firefighters that suggests that the government may be using an accounting trick to suppress the reported number of deaths and ‘micro-manage’ grief and outrage:

In isolation, this might be dismissed by some as merely anecdotal, but some days ago a former firefighter made a strikingly similar accusation about supposed falls in fire deaths (although there was recently – before Grenfell – a 15% upswing in spite of the alleged accounting dodge), which he attributed to a dishonest rule-change by the government in how fire deaths are recorded:

While not definitively proven – yet – these messages strongly suggest that the government may be using what amounts to dishonest accounting practices to achieve its end of prolonging the release of the real death figures to dilute outrage.

Perhaps others with further evidence will come forward.

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