Exclusive: Labour leader’s office on the ‘staff crisis’

The SKWAWKBOX has been passed an email originally sent by one of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s senior staffers regarding the departure of some staff members that was misreported earlier today by various mainstream publications as a ‘staff crisis’. To this writer’s knowledge, this information is not in circulation or available elsewhere – and it sheds a very different light on the situation than has been portrayed in the media.

Here is the email, unedited apart from the removal of sender/recipient details:


On the the departures mentioned in the media today – the Leader’s office has transcended from a campaign team into a professional political office. No change is easy but every staff member who has left in late 2016 and 2017 has done so after wishing JC and all colleagues the very best for the future success of our project. Just as we wished them well.

We share a common belief and sense of solidarity. Jeremy’s staff are totally committed to the socialist agenda set by Jeremy. We know our strengths, and weaknesses and we will work hard to build the change needed.

The support from ordinary members has been phenomenal and very much appreciated. They know how long it took for Labour to lose much of its community base so it’s not a quick fix but the efforts of ALL will ensure that the rebuilding of our Party will succeed.

Indeed. The truth of the bleeding-away of Labour’s community presence and support under Blair and then Brown is a fact you’ll rarely hear mentioned in the media – one that went hand-in-hand with the removal of power from members to a centre that still considers itself elite and resents the popular support for Corbyn and his vision and is determined to return to what it considers the ‘good old days’.

The developments at Corbyn’s office appear to be more an accommodation of the needs of some staff members exhausted by the constant media onslaught and the undermining of some MPs, with preparation for positive developments and the transition ‘into a professional political office’, rather than representing any ‘crisis’.

That’s something that should be welcomed by every Labour MP – and reported fairly by journalists. That it isn’t speaks volumes – but not about Corbyn’s office or staff.

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