Akehurst lost his CLP position. Smile but don’t take your eye off the ball

So, Luke Akehurst of Progress and Britain Labour First has lost his position on the executive of his Oxford CLP (constituency Labour party).

There has been much hilarity on social media today over the fact that the arch-plotter who fancies himself the arbiter of ‘electability’ couldn’t get himself re-elected to a position in a CLP. Understandably so, as he embodies pretty much everything that’s bad about the right-wing factions damaging Labour.

Mr Akehurst, meanwhile, appears to have been reading the Paul Nuttall Book of How Not to be Bothered When You Lose an Election:

For all his affected nonchalance about the loss, there’s little doubt Akehurst will be smarting. But there’s no room whatever for any complacency on the lack of those opposed to him and to his (lack of) vision for Labour as a ‘more of the same’ party.

Akehurst began the new year encouraging his right-wing followers to plan and organise to cram Labour’s 2017 annual Conference in Brighton with delegates friendly to their worldview – and if he succeeds, any schadenfreude over his CLP defeat will be cold comfort.

There are major rule-changes at stake in Brighton – not least the issue of rule amendments to make sure that right-wing MPs lose any possibility of preventing good left-wing MPs from standing in future leadership elections so that they can’t prevent the vast majority of members having a worthwhile candidate to vote for.

So use the fact of Akehurst’s pratfall as motivation to make sure the Labour right steps on a huge banana skin in Brighton – and that those with the best interests of the party and the country at heart can vote through the changes that are essential to the re-democratisation of the Labour party so the country has a genuine alternative to vote into power at the next General Election.

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