It’s #honeymoonover for May as even right-wing rags pour scorn. #Budget2017

Theresa May seemed to be enjoying herself during the Budget. A little too much, it seems. Left-wing observers were outraged at her shoulder-raising laughter at Jeremy Corbyn’s description of the hardships her Chancellor’s budget would inflict on ordinary people:

But it’s highly doubtful that Mrs May expected the reception her and her idiot MPs’ behaviour – intensified, no doubt, by the increases to national insurance that she had scoffed at in 2010 and the Tories’ manifesto had promised never to impose – that she and her party received from the right-wing press.

Chancellor Phillip Hammond had been heard with flint-faced silence by Corbyn and most Labour MPs – the equivalent of the England rugby team staring down the All Blacks Haka before a match:

But when it came to Corbyn’s turn to speak – which he did with a passion and authenticity entirely absent from Hammond’s excruciating performance – the Tories were a chorus of jeers, guffaws and catcalls as the Labour leader described the dire impact of the Budget measures on ordinary people.

Theresa May has had an extended honeymoon from the billionaire-owned press and Tory-suborned media far beyond any stretched definition of the ‘benefit of the doubt’. Small wonder, as their owners and masters want to keep their wealth.

But Wednesday’s performance seems to have been a straw too far. Here is a selection of tomorrow’s front pages:

Even the Scum newspaper and the odious Daily Mail, the worst and most incorrigibly right-wing, arrogant and callous of an awful bunch – along with the Telegraph that is so intransigently Tory that it’s nicknamed the Torygraph – have decided to tear into the Prime Minister and her soulless (what the hell were those attempts at humour?) hatchet-man.

Theresa May has been a moral and intellectual pygmy acting big behind a shield-wall of media protection – but today the shields went down and the weapons were pointed back at her.

With the growing scandal of her deliberate lies to Parliament poised above her head, the flanks of her weakness exposed by the sudden ‘shields down’ and the revived ‘Tory election fraud’ investigation threatening to erode her majority in the Commons, Mrs May is in deep er, trouble.

No matter how much her sycophants at the BBC and online bluster to try to hide it.

It’s time to show her as little mercy as she has shown to the poor, the vulnerable and the asylum-seeker. None. Let’s go for the jugular and bring her and her government down.

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