MSM, Progress try to attack #Corbyntaxreturn, fail SPECTACULARLY

It’s always amusing to watch someone attempt to mock another person and make an idiot of themselves. All the sweeter when the mocker taking a pratfall is the director of right-wing ‘cuckoos in the nest’ Progress.

Earlier today, Jeremy Corbyn released his tax return, putting huge pressure on the squirming and surly Philip Hammond, who had spent days dodging the question and then finally and grumpily refused point blank to release his own return – on national television.

Hammond’s refusal raised the very serious question of what he’s hiding about the amount – or lack of it – that the multi-millionaire contributes to the Treasury in tax, as the SKWAWKBOX pointed out.

True to form, however, the ‘Pavlov’s saboteurs‘ in the media and Progress director Richard Angell jumped on what they thought was a clever observation that had caught Corbyn out – a supposed omission in the details he released:

They were referring to a supposed discrepancy in the released return, claiming that Corbyn’s income figures were missing his additional salary as leader of the Opposition. Tories red and blue across social media were jumping for joy at this unexpected opportunity to attack the Labour leader.

However, all they managed to do was fail spectacularly.

In their rush to undermine Corbyn’s intelligent politics (and hand a reprieve to a Tory Chancellor squirming on a hook of his own making, but that doesn’t seem to matter even to supposed ‘Labour’ Angell), they had forgotten a very, very basic maxim:

Some documents have more than one page. DuhCorbyn’s tax return, for example.

So eager were our eggy-faced anti-heroes to wave their trophy-find in triumph that they neglected to read beyond page oneHad they done so, they would have discovered that Corbyn’s document spans SIX pages.

And on page three, lo and behold, are the details of the additional income.:

The full document can be viewed on Corbyn’s site.

Angell and a number of journalists attempted to paint Corbyn as having committed a faux pas. All they succeeded in doing was to don huge dunce’s caps. Ah well, couldn’t happen to a ‘nicer’ bunch.

But it’s also a serious matter. The mainstream press and broadcasters will almost certainly be propagating this information as fact tomorrow, in yet another example of ‘mainstream fake news’. So we need to share this information far and wide so that the right people are shown as the clowns.

Over to you.

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